Sunday, July 28, 2013

Panda Hug

Good Picture of Panda 
All the time we were planning to come to Taiwan, Dage (my name for our oldest child) kept talking about panda hug.  Of course, as soon as we got to Taiwan, we had to go to the Taipei Zoo to see the pandas.  The zoo has two pandas - male and female.  Not too long after our visits (once was not enough), the female panda gave birth.  Now the zoo has three pandas.  

Panda hug is how I feel about our time in Taiwan.  I feel like we've received an outpouring of love and acceptance from the people in Taiwan, particularly our friends and church members.  We should feel like outsiders in Taiwan but instead we feel like this is one of our homes.

We've had such a wonderful time here that I can't believe we're going home in two weeks.

Better Picture of Dage
Middle school students on the subway have given Xiaomei an Angry Birds hammer, friends picked us up from the airport, friends have given us lots of toys for the kids.  These are just a few of the kindnesses we have received. 

Over the next few weeks, I'll try to catch up with some of the highlights of our time here.

Also, I'm learning how to do a blog. Please be patient as i try new things out.